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Inside the beautiful box you'll find:
- 210 vibrant Photo Cards
- A creative Guidebook with 12 ways to play (10 collaborative, 2 competitive)
- Thousands of Visual Connections – "this looks like that" based on similar shapes, colors and patterns
OuiSi is built for:
- Multigenerational families looking for off-screen play
- People who enjoy relaxed play and unexpected conversation
- Parents who want to stretch their child's imagination and critical thinking skills
- Caregivers of loved ones managing dementia
The combination of OuiSi Original and OuiSi Nature is the perfect teaching tool for a classroom of 20-30 students. On top of the usual features of each set, enjoy:
- Enough Photo Cards for all students
- Connections made between the planet and human-made objects
- Digital lesson plans to employ on top of the 14 ways to play in the Guidebooks
And of course there are benefits you might not expect, like:
- The different cardbacks by set make it easy to clean up and sort games back into boxes
- Play can be self-directed, letting teachers focus on students needing a little extra help
- If some Photo Cards get damaged, both sets remain quite playable.
The OuiSi Classroom Bundle can be enjoyed in week one, all the way through to the last day of school.